

We need your financial support – your financial
contributions are tax deductible. To sustain our activities
and enable us achieve our aims, we need your financial
support – it might be small but put together, it will be a
helpful contribution to the overall goal.

We are appealing for €5, -, €10, -, €20, – or more as a
monthly Standing Order (Dauerauftrag/
Einzugsermächtigung) that you can set up and therefore
able to terminate at will. Please use the donation form
below. Of course, a one-off donation is also very much
welcome and deeply appreciated.

For any questions please do not hesitate to use the
contact details above for more information.

If you need a donation receipt, please state your address in the reason for transfer section, as your address is not automatically transmitted.

From the tax year 2021 onwards, a “simplified proof”, for example a PC printout of the booking confirmation or a copy of the bank statement, will be sufficient for the tax office for donations of up to € 300.

We will also be happy to send you a donation receipt for donations of €50 or more (please also state your address in the reason for payment section).

The donation receipt for your donations from the previous year will be sent to you by post in February. This collective mailing saves us administration and postage costs. If you need individual donation receipts directly after your donation, please write us an email.