We are now using the charitable donation platform betterplace for permanent and individual donations. We would be happy if as many people as possible used betterplace in future. Further information can be found here.

More information about the workshop.
On the occasion of current political developments, Sunny Omwenyeke wrote a commentary in September 2024 on the topic ‘Beyond finger-pointing the far-right extremists: The white supremacist problem in Germany’. The text can be downloaded here.
We would like to draw your attention to the speech by Sunny Omwenyeke at the event “Solidarity in the migration society” on the „ Berlin Declaration“ in Oldenburg on 8 February 2024.
BreSoC recently joined Instagram.
The Association
Bremen Solidarity Centre (BreSoC) e.V. is an independent
non-profit advocacy and political education organisation
founded by a group of experienced activists. Over and beyond
simply ‘helping’ refugees, Bremen Solidarity Centre is founded
on the principles of solidarity. It is dedicated to advocating
and building solidarity not only between refugees but
also in connection with other social movements, networks
and struggles, and the broader sympathetic public. Solidarity
is understood as any action – in words or deeds – taken to
undermine or eliminate the existent systemic and practical
gaps or barriers between the privileged and the disadvantaged
in the firm belief that the disadvantaged is entitled – as
a matter of right – to enjoy the same privileges as everyone
else and not because of the kind-heartedness or generosity
of anyone. Hence, “Solidarity instead of Paternalism” is central
to the engagement, activities and vision of Bremen Solidarity
Centre (BreSoC) e.V.
Bremen Solidarity Centre (BreSoC) e.V.
The various changes to the asylum laws in Germany
in the last couple of years has ensured that the
situation of refugees in Germany is actually getting
worse even when the number of new refugees into
Germany has drastically declined since the summer
of 2015. Many refugees who fled wars and life insecurity
to seek refuge in Germany are increasingly finding
it more difficult not only to deal with the
trauma associated with their flight but also the starring
lack of perspectives they face in Germany. For
example, young refugees who took the arduous and
tortuous journey through the Sahara and the Mediterranean
Sea and ended up here are arbitrarily assigned
false adult age by the Youth Welfare Office.
The consequence of this is that they are denied the
chance to go to schools like other youths/minors and
can hardly learn the language. The opportunity for
them to participate in this society is being denied.
Others are being forced to farther isolated camps
outside Bremen where there are little or no perspectives
for them. Generally, more refugees are becoming
mentally, physically and psychologically
challenged in this society as the situation takes a toll
on their health and self-confidence. The lurking and
potential danger posed by this situation cannot be
It is as a result of these kinds of problems that we
have founded the Bremen Solidarity Centre (BreSoC)
e.V. to address some of the structural problems and
emerging challenges because these situations are likely
to remain the same or worse irrespective of the
changes that might occur at the political level in Germany
and overall, in Europe.